7:10 PM
Memphis can now sit up on his own!!!
So Memphis has this new thing he loves and that is sitting in a high chair at the table with everyone else. Seen in the photo below he is also playing with an empty box and an empty cup which is another "toy" he loves to play with. He doesn't even pay attention to the toys I buy him he just wants empty boxes and cups. He's also eating a lot more, 2 jars of baby food, the 2nd foods, and almost another half onto that at one time. I'm no longer breastfeeding so I'm supplementing with formula now but he is eating so much baby food!!! He has gotten so big and is eating so well that the past 3 nights I fill him up with DHA oatmeal and he sleeps really good and doesn't need night feedings. I'm so proud of him! I'm also posting the link to my youtube page where there is a new video of Memphis' new greatest accomplishment!
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