Hi Memphis' Mom!

Hi Memphis' Mom!

I seriously can't wait until John can quit his job to go back to school. He has to work over time again tomorrow and while we may need the money he needs more days off! He dreads going to work and I don't blame him, he works really hard and he's not getting enough for it!
Anyways Memphis has mastered the pacifier (thanks goodness!) which means a little break for me once in a while. He sucks it until he goes to sleep! I never thought he would get the hang of it! He's sleeping right next to me now. Little cutie...
John and I are still trying to figure out where we are going to move to in December. Every apartment complex we go to they want too much money for a tiny apartment or the place is so ghetto we wouldn't feel safe there. It's sad this whole area used to be really nice and kind of upscale. The farther north we go the farther from John's work and the more expensive. We either need to pay a lot for little space or pay enough and be afraid our car or apartment will get broken into OR there will be loud college kids living next door having crazy parties. Although we'd probably deserve that because once we were those crazy kids having loud parties with kegs and copious amounts of liquor. It would be different if we didn't have Moo to worry about but his safety is priority #1 over anything else. And John worries the most because me and Moo are the ones who are home all the time and if we don't feel safe during the day then forget about it! A lot of complexes in this area have had numerous car break ins and since we haven't even payed our car off yet that would piss us both off! So stressful!
Anyway enough of my ranting about how much San Antonio sucks. I wish we could just pack up and move where our families are. A nice piece of land with a nice house on it is our dream. So we can have dogs and pigs and chickens running around and so Memphis has places to explore. Honestly the city is no place to raise children, too dangerous everywhere! John and I both grew up in the country and we want Moo to grow up there too!

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