Hi Memphis' Mom!

Hi Memphis' Mom!
3:09 PM

Hi Everyone!!! Just posting some pics of Memphis opening presents and just being Cute! We wish we were with our families now but next year we will be!!! Miss all of you!

3:54 PM

So Sorry for not posting anything new in a while. We have been so buusy packing and selling all our stuff. It's weird to think that I will (hopefully) never see San Antonio ever again! I bought Moo a warm and fussy cover all with a hood so when we get to detroit he will already be nice and warm and covered up. I already know what I am going to wear that day too. Not looking forward to leaving John and wish he could come with us. He hasn't been feeling well and the stress is weakening his body and mind. Plus the weather changed drastically again yesterday...it went from 80 on sunday to 32 on monday morning. It's weird how change in temperature can affect our bodies so much. Anyway hope you all like the new pictures! Moo will be 6 months old on the 27th!

This is Moo's version is "reading"..hahaha

1:25 PM

So yesterday I was feeding Moo some carrots with a big person spoon because all of his were dirty and I heard a distinct cling sound and when I felt his gums I can feel a little hard tooth peeking through! No wonder he's been a fussy gus lately. He gave his Daddy a hard time last night while I was at work. I think it's been hurting him and making him irritable, more so than he usually is. I was so excited when I found the tooth that I squeeled again and scared Memphis! I always do that when I get too excited! I don't have any pictures of the tooth yet but when you can actually see it I'll try to snap some.

It's getting closer and closer to moving time, and we still have so much to sell and box up. I need to have everything sold and shipped by the time I fly out of here Jan. 27th. I'm also in the last 2 weeks of my 3rd and 4th classes in school and I need to finish a paper and complete a powerpoint presentation. I better get busy!

1:20 PM

Ok so John and I tried to get ACTUAL cell phone service but for it to be under my name we'd have to pay a 700 dollar deposit per phone and 300 per phone for his. BS if you ask me. Makes me so mad!!!!! Anyway december is already going by fast. Pretty soon it will be time for me and Memphis to leave and we are so far from being ready. We are selling basically everything we own and will start over fresh and new! It'll feel good though to start over. I'm excited to leave here, it's so drepressing sometimes. The only downside is me and Memphis won't see John for maybe a few months, hopefully only 2 at the most. Whenever the snow decides to melt in NY. Anyway I don't have any new pics uploaded so this is just a short post to catch people up!

3:39 PM

This picture deffinately sums up the attitude Memphis is developing with me and John! Little Punk!

So I'm moving really soon, in a little less than 8 weeks, which will go fast anyway. Last week seemed like I was really busy and I sort of procrastinated on some school work and ended up turning it in the day before it was due, which is totally unlike me because I'm usually done with everything fir the week by wednesday. Anyway I guess it seemed busy because John was on vacation and it's hard to focus on school when he's around, which is funny because Memphis demands more of my attention than John does. haha Anyway now it's back to normal and John's at work. Oh I also started my job back up at Old Navy but I only work 3 days a week at the most. Last week was great because when John is working we only have 2 or 3 full days together and I start to miss him. It's going to be so hard when me and Moo go to Ohio for a month or two or whenever the snow decides to melt in NY. I'm gonna miss John so much, and John will miss Memphis a bunch! We are going to chat on the webcam every night though so he can see Memphis everyday. I'm also really nervous still about flying. All the flight cancelations in the midwest due to snow is maing me really nervous, because the weather is usually worse in January. So I'm hopinh for smooth travel and no long layovers and cancelations because that will be hell with Memphis! Anyway I'm posting some pics of Moo!
These socks are brand new and already a hole! hahahaha Moo's foot

HAHAHAHA I always catch Moo closing his eyes!